Once upon a time, a poor, fair maiden ascended to royalty when she slipped easily into a magical glass slipper.  As the fairy tale goes, she lived happily ever after.  If it were only that simple.  A tincture, a pill, or a lotion that would enhance health and vitality, keeping at bay all the effects of living and aging in this world.   There is, of course, nothing equivalent to the royal glass slipper, unless you consider the possibility of royal jelly.

Royal jelly is a rich, nutritious mix that worker bees produce from protein-rich pollen, carbohydrate-laden honey, and enzymes.  Bee larvae ascend to royalty only if they are fed this substance exclusively.  It seems there must be some magic going on here but in reality, it contains many compounds that have already been proven to have health and anti-aging benefits.  Here is the short list:  antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, amino acids, important fatty acids, hormones, collagen precursors, and substances known to enhance nervous system and immune system function.

Happily ever after may still be a fairy tale but living happily with the help of a little royalty is definitely possible!

Royal jelly will be available from The Bee Happy Company in the near future.  As with any supplement, consult with a qualified health professional before using royal jelly.



