The Bee Chronicles:  A New Home

The Bee Chronicles: A New Home

I’m counting down the days again.  Not the days until spring because it’s finally here.  I’m counting the days until my first package of bees arrives.  In my second year of beekeeping, I’m hoping it won’t be so nerve wracking to transport and install a package of...
20,000 New Residents

20,000 New Residents

The Friday Bee Chronicles by Janice Sina A thoughtful look at beekeeping that’s about more than bees.  Volume 1, number 2         In addition to the two humans, one dog and one cat, there are virtually millions of creatures that inhabit the 40 acres we call home.  The...
A Bee’s Eye View

A Bee’s Eye View

Colors Bees See The faint scent of Sharyn’s Forever Young Intensive Hand Cream in Creamy Lavender wafts up from my tapping fingers as I type.  Heavenly!  And a reminder that spring with its delicious scents is right around the corner.  Which means the bees will be out...
The Friday Bee Chronicles

The Friday Bee Chronicles

Volume 1, number 5         Welcome to The Friday Bee Chronicles, a weekly installment of beekeeping adventures from a different perspective.  This isn’t a how-to column; instead it’s more of a why-I-did column and a thoughtful look at beekeeping that’s about more than...
True Colors

True Colors

This is the time of year when many of us sit curled up in the corner of the couch with a seed catalog in our lap, turning down corners of pages . . . and pages . . . and pages. If you’re like me, the wish list is long but garden space, not to mention cash, may be in a...
The Bee Chronicles:  A New Home Part 2

The Bee Chronicles: A New Home Part 2

In the last Bee Chronicles installment, March was still going out like a lion instead of a lamb.  Now, a few days into April, it seems spring has finally gotten the upper hand on winter, chasing it away with crocuses and spring peepers and territorial cardinal calls. ...